This week on Take 5! we had the pleasure of talking to African story teller, Producer, Director Oliver Ochanda about his latest movie, KIENYEJI which will be premiering on 8th June 2024. Get your tickets HERE
Q:What do you like most about your job as a producer?
A:The most exciting thing about being a producer is the creative process, seeing something that was just an idea come to life and have a life of its own.
Q:What do you consider your artistic process when it comes to making a film?
A:I am a firm believer in collaboration with cast and crew in not just communicating the idea but also bouncing-off them from their own experiences. Production is a teamwork process and the old adage, “it
takes a village to raise a kid” is very true.
Q:Why did you start making films?
A:Films always fascinated me from a very young age. I remember when I was young just being enthralled by how you could be transported to whichever world the filmmaker invited you to based on their idea. It is from here that I decided that I want to make movie. To me , a film is a filmmakers invitation to the world inside their mind and what an honor it is.
Q:Tell us more about your latest Film, Kienyeji
A:Kienyeji is film that tries to dissect the issue of inter-cultural marriages and relationships in Kenya. The issue of tribalism is still very entrenched in the country and one of the most common questions from parents whenever their children bring up the issue of marriage is always, where does the potential wife/husband come from? This question is a sieve, to either disqualify you if the community is perceived as an enemy tribe or acceptance. Kienyeji ultimately is a love story against all odds in modern day Kenya
Q: Any advice to those starting out in the film
A: Do it even if you are afraid